Sunday, July 11, 2010

So quickly ...

It's interesting how quickly fears return. All it takes is one instant, and that channel is wide open again. When I was younger, I had recurring nightmares, and horrible fear issues. Every once in a while they will try to creep back in -and tonight was one of those nights. Watching a fairly decent movie, all it took was one tiny glimpse of something that triggered something in my brain. I didn't realize it until a couple minutes later when it hit me all of a sudden. All of the intense, irrational fear and anxiety rushed over me. As I stood there, about to turn and "run," I decided to come to grips with reality -and I continued as if nothing was different (for the most part .. lol).

Two lessons were learned in that instant:

1. Be VERY VERY careful with what you allow to enter your mind. It may seem innocent, but if I would have just followed my instincts and went to bed earlier, I wouldn't have ran into any issues.

2. When you are in the midst of a hard decision, be strong - don't let the fear overtake you. YOU are the victorious one - living in the Spirit of Christ.