Friday, September 24, 2010

A little bit of this ... A little bit of that ...

-I am amazed at how the body heals itself. It's quite interesting to observe.

-Tonight I realized that my bottle of contact solution is almost empty, and was immediately disheartened, as it is 8 bucks a bottle. But within a few seconds, I remembered all of the bottles of solution that I got for FREE that are sitting there, waiting to be used!! Thanks, Carrie, for introducing me to couponing!!!!!! : ) No more wasting money!!

-When I was younger, I used to babysit. And when it would be bedtime, the children always asked for water. I never understood why a person could be thirsty right before bed, and always attested it to not wanting to go to sleep. But the last couple of months, I have experienced this thirst for myself. I drink about the same amount of water every day, and some days, I am super thirsty right before bed! It doesn't matter how much I drink, I am still thirsty! Does anyone know why this happens? I would really like to nip this habit in the behind before it goes any further, as this habit fills my bladder right before bed, and causes me to have to get out of bed when I don't want to. Let me know your thoughts for real this time, ok? No one left any on the last post I asked for comments on ... : )

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Painful Lesson...

What I learned today:

-Things can change in an instant.
-For example. I will not be carrying out my plan to go running every weekday anytime soon.
-Running into the wall with only the toe next to your little toe is much more painful than running into the garage door with your head.
-I do not like the fact that part of my toe is almost black, but I will be sure to show everyone I come in contact with, as it is fascinating to me.
-I still cannot believe all of this pain and discoloration happened in an instant of clumsiness!

Moral of the story - don't run into walls.

Friday, September 17, 2010


So here I go again, writing about relationships.

I figured it out. Why everyone feels the need for a significant other. (Ok, well, minus the physical Take a survey, and I bet you will find that what people want in a relationship with a significant other is to feel loved, accepted, and they want someone to care so much about them that they know that something is up, even before you tell them - not to mention the part about wanting someone to always be there when you need them.

Wait .. isn't that what a friend is supposed to be? So really, all people want in a relationship (BESIDES SEX, PPL!!!) is a true and loyal friend?! So why are people constantly searching for a significant other, when we should have that loyalty in our friendships?

I understand that not everyone can be that loyal of a friend to all of their friends, but everyone should have at least one friend who they can trust to be that close and that loyal.

I think that more often than not, a girl leaves this kind of loyal friendship to have a relationship with a significant other. They say that a guy should never come between a good friendship, but in our society, it always does. And it is "acceptable."

I'm sorry, but I think this is a terrible thing. Let's let our physical attraction and our desire for that American family come between something that you have been building and working on for years. That makes sense.

I guess I am just really confused at what friendship is, and how it works and how it is supposed to work.

That's all. Sorry for the rant, but I would really like some opinions, please. Thanks!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ok, so I know it's been a really long time since I have written on this thing. It's been a really long time since I have had the time and energy to write - at the same time.

Life has been so crazy! It has it's ups and downs, for sure. But I really enjoy my life - despite the thoughts that try to creep in to tell me otherwise - I do not need the things the world says I do in order to be happy! : )

So, here's my quick blurb for the day: I am exhausted, and just want to go to sleep, but I am going to go workout with Jillian and Tiff, because that is the only way I am going to lose weight. And I am determined to lose at least 10 pounds in the next couple of months. I just need a fire under me to get me going. (And I am sure that half of a chimicheesecake I ate at lunch is going to help me in this endeavor ... ) AHHH!!!

Until next time, I will try to be as productive as I have been the last couple of days, so I will have more time to write!!! : ) And, if you want to hear me preach, come out to Delta on Saturday night at 6pm at Troy Assembly of God.

See ya Lata!