Thursday, November 26, 2009


It is more important to live the gospel than to tell the gospel. If you are not living it, people will not listen when you tell it. The word 'gospel' has come to have a negative connotation for me. I think this may be because more often than not, I find the word used by people who are flaunting their 'gospel' sharing (which is actually contrary to the true gospel), or by people who are so concerned about sharing the 'gospel' that they flat out miss the whole concept of the 'gospel'. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I have to say that I agree with you. I find flaws in my own gospel message. I have an honest love for people and find having patience with strangers is far easier than having patience with my loved ones. I suppose that is God working through me to minister cuz it sure ain't me. I look up to you in that area if I must be honest. The exception to this patience of course is if they mess with you. That gets my feathers ruffled.
