Thursday, January 14, 2010

Can endorphins prompt talkativeness?

So yesterday I wasn't in a very talkative mood -that is, until after I worked out. And minus the 12 hour migraine, I haven't stopped talking since. I am pretty sure I have started to annoy everyone around me with talking, so here are some things I have to say. Whether they are important or not, well, that is for you to decide.

  • I shouldn't have caffeine the night before an interview.
  • I need to have a better attitude about a certain situation in my life. I think I have prayed, "Remove me from this situation," or, "change the situation," enough. It is time to honestly desire for myself to have a better attitude. This is difficult because, quite frankly, I don't know how. How do I not react to certain things? How do I respond maturely? How do I support something I disagree with on so many levels? Do I have to determine to agree with it because that's the way it is and it must be "God-ordained"? This situation produces a lot of emotions and awkwardness for me. I am flat out tired of dealing with it. But it is a part of my life and I have to deal with it. I am going to start my attitude change with being thankful that this is one of the toughest things in my life right now, and put into perspective, it's really not that bad.
  • I still have not taken down my Christmas tree. And I didn't do laundry today like I needed to. And I didn't go to my grandparent's house like I said I prob was. And I didn't apply for any new jobs or do any job searching. And I didn't wash my car. Conclusion: I was supposed to have a productive day today, and I had a very unproductive day. But my day was not wasted, as I spent some time in prayer, as well as some time with my sisters. Thank you, Stacy for taking care of me when my head was being obnoxious this morning.
  • Why is it that I have SO MUCH to say?!! Can't I slow my brain down?! Why do I feel as though someone, besides God, needs to know what I am thinking?
  • How do I have confidence without being obnoxious or annoying? If you are my friend, will you tell me when I am being annoying or overbearing?
  • How come caffeine stimulates my mind so much? How come I feel so much better when having consumed it? It doesn't seem like it's so bad at the moment. But how do I consume it and not become addicted?
  • AHHHH so much going through my head. It must stop so I can rest for my early and busy day tomorrow.
Lord, please have your way in my life. In everything I do, may it bring glory to your name.

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